Cozy Cloud with its CLISK project is taking part in the Data Portability & Services Incubator (DAPSI), a 3-year EU funded project that empowers internet innovators to develop new solutions in the data portability field.
What is DAPSI?
The Data Portability and Services Incubator (DAPSI) is a EU funded project, under the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, to empower top internet innovators to develop human-centric solutions, addressing the challenge of personal data portability on the internet, as foreseen under the GDPR and make it significantly easier for citizens to have any data which is stored with one service provider transmitted directly to another provider.
DAPSI supports top-notch projects through a 9-month incubation programme where experts in diverse fields provide a successful working methodology, access to top infrastructure, training in business and data related topics, coaching, mentoring, and a vibrant ecosystem. On top of that, each DAPSI project can receive up to €150k equity-free funding.
CLISK, CLIent-Side Konnectors
Cozy Cloud is taking part in DAPSI to go beyond the portability right by developing an open-source personal robot system, to get your data, on your request, from your device. We call this concept CLISK, for CLIent-Side Konnectors. A konnector2 is a piece of software that mimic user interaction on a website to get her own data, on her behalf. Typically, an Amazon konnector retrieves all the bills stored in the user account, while a Facebook konnector will get photos with annotations, etc. You can see below the onboarding of connexion of the mobile application.

We propose to implement the possibility to run konnectors from the client-side, i.e. directly on the user device, under her consent, without any server support. This way, all requests are legitimate and avoid common robot issues such as IP blocking, scraping protection, etc. This is no longer a third-party the user mandates to exercise her portability right, this is a local “user agent” run by the user herself, to enforce her data sovereignty.
This service must be dynamic, i.e. it should be regularly run in order to retrieve the latest data, and it should be as smooth as possible for the user, without compromising her security. Our solution includes the integration with a password manager, to end-to-end encrypt user credentials and eventually, the data itself.
Finally, transparency will be enforced by implementing an access control dashboard, to let the user know about data transfers occurring on her behalf, with the possibility to revoke them at any time.
How does it work?
In this two-phase supporting programme, the projects will develop advanced solutions in the Data Portability field. In the first phase (Kick-Start phase) the teams will have around 5 months to develop a solution related to a specific use case. After an assessment made by a panel of qualified experts, and based on milestones and results achieved, the teams will be invited into phase 2 (Booster phase). The use cases will then be fostered for 4 more months, to evolve into solid projects, to gain enough traction for deployment and get ready for the market.
Follow our journey through dapsi!
Take a look at the DAPSI innovators portfolio to see more information about the selected projects.
To read more about DAPSI, please visit the website: