Product update

This article is also available in French.

To make your Cozy, your best ally for 2021: this is the main objective of our team.

What's new in Cozy?

💶 Cozy Banks

New banks and banking institutions have been added to your banking aggregator, Cozy Banks (Revolut, N26, Natixis Interépargne (Epargne Salariale), etc.).

More than 90 banking institutions available and to be connected to your Cozy

The Banks application is also available on iOS and Android.

🗒 Cozy Notes

While waiting for the possibility to add images in Notes, our team has implemented commands to enrich your notes with version 1.14.0 which includes :

✨ an improvement of the tables: cell merging , choice of column size, coloring of boxes
✨ adding a date
✨ the addition of blocks for code

Cozy Drive - web

✅ Guaranteeing you certified documents

Interface of documents certified by your Cozy

Your Cozy acts as a **trusted third party and certifies that the document conforms to the one uploaded, that it has not been modified. Each unmodified document appears today in your Drive folder with a marker of the brand (see the CAF example above).

It is a big job within our team and in the future, if for example when you present an invoice as proof of address when you register for your children's nursery or for a mortgage loan, your Cozy will guarantee to your contacts that it is indeed the original document, and that it is trustworthy. This functionality will be enhanced to guarantee you more "certified" documents. This is not currently the case.

✅ Making it easier for you to share folders with Drive and Notes

The collaborative sharing functionality in Drive is continuously improved.
For example, by creating a new folder in your Drive, you can :

  • create a note (here: 20210216Mathematics courses - with Pythagoras Theorem as subject)
  • add a link to the definition of the Pythagorean theorem from the Wikipedia site.
  • add a link from another site to complete the folder you are going to share.

Shared folder interface with bookmarks

The Drive application is also available on iOS and Android (and also on apk😎)

🧠 How to contribute to the project

Many of you have asked us to contribute to Cozy and help us democratize the personal cloud 🚀🚀

How to do it concretely?

👉 share a piece of code when developing an application or connector to automatically retrieve your data from an online service for our platform.
👉 report your experiences with Cozy on our forum or to Claude
👉 if you are a developer, join our team! We are currently recruiting on the Front side

Thank you for reading this article!

👉 If you're a fan of Cozy, talk about it around you 🙌.

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